10 Best Home Cleaning Services Tips to Make Your Home Look Like New

Ellen page
5 min readSep 6, 2021

Is there anyone who doesn’t enjoy coming home to a tidy, organized, clutter-free house? Science assures us that the stress you feel when your home isn’t as tidy as you’d like is not all in your head. In reality, having a messy home makes us feel more stressed and anxious. The state of our homes can have a significant impact on our daily life.

We can cut daily stress by keeping our homes clean and tidy, but the act itself can be stressful. It can be frustrating to not know how often to do certain household chores, or where to start. Are you looking for home cleaning services near you? Here are the best home cleaning services secrets, according to expert cleaning professionals.

Cleansing products and the right tools should be on hand

Having the right tools is one of the best ways to make sure you succeed at home cleaning services. The good news is that you can keep your home clean without buying too many expensive products. The best thing is to make your caddy by assembling a few reliable and basic items for home cleaning service.

1. The greatest home cleaning service tool is the microfiber cloth.

Among our experts, microfiber cloths were their favorite cleaning tool. Microfiber works better than sponges or paper towels at cleaning surfaces. It’s also machine washable and quick drying.

2. Organize cleaning supplies in a caddy

Experts recommend microfiber wipes, glass cleaners, mild abrasive cleaners. Also, latex gloves for protection and all-purpose cleaner in your home cleaning caddy.

Tips for cleaning your kitchen

3. Messes and spills should be immediately cleaned up

You can prevent messes from occurring in your kitchen with a few simple tips. Always keep your area clean. Keep things under control by cleaning the kitchen every day. Cleaning up the daily mess and clutter will also prevent germs from cross-contaminating. Treat spills immediately. By doing this, they won’t harden and become harder to clean in the future. Do your dishes after every meal. A simple tip for making kitchen cleaning easier is to avoid procrastinating. Maintaining a clean kitchen involves sweeping the floor daily & picking up daily trash.

4. For tougher messes, use baking soda

The trick for removing bigger messes is Baking soda, not a microfiber cloth. Ideal for kitchen counters and home appliance surface cleaning service. For grease buildup, use baking soda. Wipe down any areas with grease buildup with baking soda sprinkled on a cloth. Allow the area to dry for a couple of minutes before wiping it with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue.

Cleaning tips for bathrooms

It is important to keep your bathroom as germ-free as possible. Here’s how to control this trafficked room.

5. Weekly cleaning of trafficked areas

By regularly cleaning your bathroom, you can make deeper, less frequent cleanings easier. Don’t wait for the big job to arise, take care of the toilet, the shower, the tub, and the floors. Particularly behind the toilet. Keeping it clean once or twice a week is essential because it is one of the most germ-ridden areas. After each use, squeegee the shower to make weekly cleaning easier. Wipe the toothbrush holder and toilet twice a week.

6. Keep the small, forgotten bathroom areas clean

It is important to remember to clean those areas in the bathroom that are often forgotten. The Faucet aerator and toothbrush holders are among the forgotten areas. Your toothbrush holder is the third-most germiest place in your home. Make sure to keep it clean always. The best way to clean your faucet’s nooks and crannies is to use an old toothbrush with warm water.

Cleaning tips for the living room

The living room is where people relax more often, so it should be comfortable, dust-free, and clean.

7. Vacuum your living room’s hidden areas

Moving your furniture as you go is the best way to make sure you hit every spot. Before moving the furniture back in place, vacuüm and dust the floor underneath it. This is key to ensuring you get all the hard-to-reach areas that have collected dust all year. Don’t forget to vacuum underneath the cushions, too. Make sure that you vacuum under furniture and between cushions at least once a month in your living room. Those who suffer from allergies should do those tasks every two weeks.

8. Clean your carpet with a squeegee

If you have pets in your home, you know the struggle of getting hair out of carpets, blankets, and upholstered furniture. It may not always be possible to vacuum, but with this cleaning tip, you can. Scrape the carpets or rugs with your squeegee to remove embedded dust and hairs. Using a squeegee to wipe dirt and dust off your room’s corners is also convenient due to its shape.

Cleaning tips for bedrooms

All we want our bedrooms to feel like oases, but most of us don’t want to spend hours cleaning them. Your bedroom will look great in no time if you check off these simple tasks.

9. Focus on Launder linens and pillows.

The primary focus of your bedroom should be on keeping linens clean, as it is in the living room. The first job is to keep your sheets clean as you and your family spend a great deal of time sleeping on them. Then move on to baseboard, ceiling fans, etc. Weekly sheet washing is crucial. In light of all the hours you spend sleeping in bed, it’s the best way to keep germs and allergens away. Washing pillow in the machine is a good way to keep them clean and to fluff them back up after a few months’ usages. To dry out a pillow as much as possible, use a fast spin cycle.

10. Take ten minutes a day to make your bed and tidy up.

Make your bed right after you get up, although it might not seem like much, this is the center of your room. You can make your room look tidier by making your bed. You become more accustomed to daily cleaning by making your bed every morning. Make sure any clothing left out goes in the hamper or back into your drawers. Once you adopt these simple habits, regular weekly cleaning will become much easier.



Ellen page

Hello, My name is Ellen and I am Digital Marketer.